

The structure data on the following pages were originally written to be viewed with a Java applet written by Eric Harlow.  Harlow's 'molecular spinning' applet is a nice small code that works well with smaller, slower computers.  This original applet was used to implement a viewing feature for X-ray structure reports internal to DuPont.  Harlow's applet and the DuPont X-ray structure Webpages were the inspiration for these pages of X-ray structures from the Arduengo Group and, to that end, the efforts of Eric Harlow and Will Marshall are greatly appreciated.

With the widespread increase in Desktop and Laptop computer capabilities today, the Jmol applet is a more functional alternative to the older applet.  Beginning in 2010 these pages were converted (most recent first) to use the Jmol (an open-source Java viewer for chemical structures in 3D) applet which allows for increased viewing capabilities and permits determination of metrics. In june of 2015 another massive update and conversion to JSmol (HTML5) was completed to offer a Java-applet free viewing environment with expanded viewing options.